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​Upcoming Events


Our week-long retreats offer a safe place for pastors and church leaders at no cost to the participants.


We operate based on donations so that we can provide our ministry to anyone who needs to renew and recover. 

  • Beautiful accommodation is provided for each participant and their family

  • A schedule that provides for quality time dealing with key issues in the world of church leadership and in life

  • An opportunity to have free time for rest, fishing, boating, hiking, golf, etc.

  • An opportunity to connect with others who have walked this similar path of leadership

  • All meals during the week provided by the staff


This is a Faith based ministry that does not charge. Our desire is for this ministry to be available to any church leader who needs a week to get away and experience renewal. We do welcome any contribution that would be given to Still Waters. We provide a beautiful and comfortable accommodation, and all of the meals throughout the week. 

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